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The retelling of the famous turtle island legend tells the tale of the brave muskrat helping Mother Earth reach the soil at the bottom of the ocean. With the help of muskrat, Mother Earth creates a new place for all her new land children to live.
A search down a wooded path for a well-hit baseball turns into an encounter between Pamela and a veteran soldier standing in front of a monument. The statue commemorates the heroism of Sgt. Tommy Prince, the most decorated Aboriginal soldier in Canada. Pa
When a young girl from the Gitxsan Nation argues with her brother, she remembers the teachings of her grandmother and goes in search of a stone to share her feelings with.
When Cole’s teacher catches him drawing rather than listening in class, he gives Cole a special assignment: an oral presentation on an important Aboriginal figure. Cole will do almost anything to avoid speaking in public – even feigning illness. But when
Echo Desjardins, a 13-year-old Métis girl, is struggling with her feelings of loneliness while separated from her mom and adjusting to a new school. Then an ordinary day in Mr. Bee’s history class turns extraordinary, and Echo’s life will never be the
When a mishap delays Jessie at the end of a school day, she takes a shortcut home. But the shortcut turns into an adventure, as Jessie is transported through time and space, to early 19th-century Newfoundland. There she meets Shawnadithit who, as the last
Créé au départ pour épauler les Premières Nations dans leur cheminement, L’Arbre sacré met en évidence les concepts, les principes et les enseignements de la spiritualité autochtone. Plus qu’un guide, cet ouvrage révèle comment les grandes valeurs traditi
A school assignment to interview a residential-school survivor leads Daniel to Betsy, his friend’s grandmother, who tells him her story.
A school assignment to interview a residential-school survivor leads Daniel to Betsy, his friend’s grandmother, who tells him her story.
Amik tells Moshoom about his wonderful school. Then his grandfather tells him about the residential school he went to, much different from Amik’s school. So Amik has an idea….
Miskwaadesi is puzzled about the teaching Truth. But she knows more than she thinks she does.
What is Truth, Betsy? is one book in The Seven Teachings Stories series. The Seven Teachings of the Anishinaabe—love, wisdom, humility, courage, respect, hone
What is Truth, Betsy? is one book in The Seven Teachings Stories series. The Seven Teachings of the Anishinaabe—love, wisdom, humility, courage, respect, hone
When a boy brings his moccasins to his city school, his classmates have many questions. They are enthralled as he explains how his Kookum made them.
When two red foxes have an argument which breaks apart their community, a gentle buffalo decides to take a braid of sweetgrass to a local elder and asks her to help with a sharing circle for all the animals.
“Medicine Wheel: Stories of a Hoop Dancer” is a published children’s book written by Teddy Anderson, a professional hoop dancer of the First Nation’s style who has performed in 20 countries across the world. His performances, as well as the book, teach th
Long ago, when a great flood cleansed the land of unhappiness, the Grandfather sent Wanjblí the eagle to save one virtuous member of the human race and teach her how to live a good life. The eagle is a powerful symbol of courage, wisdom, and strength. In
Une légende inuite raconte que des Qallupilluits se cachent sous la glace de mer. Ces créatures capturent les enfants qui s’aventurent sans leurs parents près des crevasses de la glace. Mais la jeune Allashua doute de leur existence et décide, malgré la p
En 1944, Larry Loyie, alors connu sous le nom de Lawrence, avait dix ans et vivait avec sa famille crie près de Slave Lake, dans le nord de l’Alberta (Canada). Tant que couleront les rivières s’inspire de son dernier été avec ses proches, avant son départ
La loi l’exige : dans quatre jours à peine, la jeune Shi-shi-etko devra quitter sa famille et tout ce qui lui est cher pour aller à « l’école résidentielle », au pensionnat indien. Ces journées précédant son départ, elle observe et savoure chaque détail d
Une jeune femme — une Autochtone parmi tant d’autres portées disparues au Canada — veille sur son enfant qui doit grandir sans sa nimâmâ. La mère observe de loin les étapes importantes de la vie de sa fille — sa première journée d’école, sa première soiré
Dans Riel, patriote, Robert Freynet nous transporte par le neuvième art au Canada de la Confédération. L’auteur met en scène le drame tragique de la vie du controversé chef métis Louis Riel, fondateur de la province du Manitoba et l’un des Pères de la Con
Dans Riel, patriote, Robert Freynet nous transporte par le neuvième art au Canada de la Confédération. L’auteur met en scène le drame tragique de la vie du controversé chef métis Louis Riel, fondateur de la province du Manitoba et l’un des Pères de la Con
En aidant sa grand-mère à entretenir son jardin, une fillette remarque chez celle-ci des caractéristiques qui piquent sa curiosité.
Pourquoi sa grand-mère porte-t-elle ses longs cheveux en tresses et des vêtements de couleurs vives? Pourquoi parle-t-elle
Pourquoi sa grand-mère porte-t-elle ses longs cheveux en tresses et des vêtements de couleurs vives? Pourquoi parle-t-elle