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"At Schleich we believe that promoting creativity and a rich imagination is one of the most valuable gifts you can give a child. The best part of it is: a child’s creativity as well as their imagination develop almost by themselves with the right playing concepts.

Our figures can be experienced using one’s eyes and hands due to their high-quality craftsmanship and great surface design. Thanks to constantly new, wonderful playing experiences, the child’s development is stimulated – be it with the lovingly designed individual figures or our diverse playing worlds.

Our guiding principle: the materials used and safety of the figures are tested with the utmost care. All products and the materials used meet or exceed the strictest applicable national and international requirements. Thus, high-quality and carefully designed products are developed every day that not only fascinate children, but also delight you as parents."

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Polar foxes have the warmest fur of all mammals.
Polar foxes have the warmest fur of all mammals. 70% of it consists of thick undercoat. It is the only wild dog to change fur colours twice a year. In winter, it is white as snow and in summer brown. Thi
White-tailed bucks are very shy animals. When they get scared, they wave their tails back and forth.
White-tailed bucks are very shy animals. When they get scared, they wave their tails back and forth. If there is indeed a predator nearby, the deer str
White-tailed does can see and hear very well, but rely mainly on their sense of smell and their speed.
White-tailed does can see and hear very well, but rely mainly on their sense of smell and their speed. They are very agile and can sprint up to 48 km/h
White-tailed fawns have lots of small white spots on their fur. These serve as camouflage, since the dots make them harder to spot in high grass. When its mother is off looking for food, the white-tailed fawn hides in the tall grass. It stretches out flat
The polar bear’s habitat is the Arctic. In winter, the temperature there can drop to -50° Celsius. Although its fur coat appears white, its hair is transparent and hollow on the inside. The air inside these hairs is warmed by the sun, so that polar bears
The elk is Sweden’s national animal and is known for its impressive antlers. However, only male elk have them. Elk bulls start growing the antlers at the age of two. They can reach a weight of up to 20 kg. The bulls shed them each year and grow a new set.
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